RSL Production Wedding Event RSL Production Wedding Event PBTR – MTR Sentul City Tabligh Akbar [at] Nagrak Bogor Perpisahan SMKN 4 Bogor BC Bekasi [at] Grand Mulya Bank Mega [at] The Village Resort AKSI Kemendikbud Masyarakat Tanpa Riba KEPAK Kemendikbud Perpisahan SMKN 4 Bogor Tabligh Akbar [at] Nagrak Bogor Pensi SMKN 4 Bogor Meet & Greet Jomblo Movie Bank Mega [at] The Village Resort Grand Mulya Event OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk Sampoerna University Graduate Kodam Kebon Jeruk Kodam Kebon Jeruk Pensi SMKN 4 Bogor PBMTR Sentul City OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK [at] The Highland Resort OJK Events New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk New Year Party [at] Kodam Kebon Jeruk Kodam Kebon Jeruk Grand Mulya Event BC Bekasi Grand Mulya Event OJK [at] The Highland Resort